Books & Publications

‘Long Time No See’
Book by Orejarena &Stein

Works by Orejarena & Stein, and by: 

Phan Thị Lan Hương
Nguyễn Tiến Hưng
Phạm Văn Mạnh
Đinh Thị Hương
Phan Thị Lan Hương
Nguyễn Tiến Hưng
Đỗ Quang Hưng
Lương Nhật Tân
Bùi Thị Hóa

**And by Vietnamese veterans who prefer to remain anonymous because they are still considered active members of the military.

‘Long Time No See’ is a constellation of perspectives exploring the memory and legacy of the Vietnam-U.S. War, made in collaboration with Vietnamese veterans and their descendants. The book is the culmination of years of work and the love, creativity, and energy of so many people. It’s designed in collaboration with the wonderful Brian Paul Lamotte.

Texts by Đỗ Tường Linh and Hannah Meszaros Martin /Forensic Architecture.

‘Yohei Yama Art Book’
by Yohei Yama

This book docummenting Yohei Yama’s personal journey and his artistic practices. 

“It’s quite hard to speak about works because I don`t know.
I feel like sometimes it’s given somehow to me.
Or coincidentally I find it.
It’s like you walk far and you see a new view.
Repeat like a heartbeat and it makes something.
The start point is the heartbeat and breath.
Repeat like a day and it make one`s life.
My works also, repetition built the work.
I think my work is this kind of type.
I think that I am not painting something personal but I am painting something universal via my body.
I believe in my nature. ” (Yohei Yama)