Vin Gallery is excited to share the news of Andrea Orejarena & Caleb Stein solo exhibition with Deichtorhallen Hamburg at PHOXXI. TACTICS & MYTHOLOGIES is the first European solo exhibition by the New York duo Andrea Orejarena and Caleb Stein and presents a photographic road trip through the visual worlds of viral conspiracy theories from September 7, 2024 to January 26, 2025. (Read here for more details)
In reaction to the growing distrust in the distinction between reality and fiction that characterizes the present, the duo began an exploratory journey through social media and photography in 2020. They have created an initial archive of over 1.500 photographs and current visual forms that manifests the influence of conspiracy narratives on American society and individual perception.
This archive of photographic forms of “alternative facts” engages in dialogue with landscape photographs by Orejarena and Stein in the installation “American Glitch”, which documents and decodes the supposed locations of conspiratorial events. By embracing traditions such as road trips and street photography, American Glitch interweaves continuities from American photographic history with the new phenomena of contemporary online culture.